Chiropractic Blogs

Understanding the Complexities of an L4 L5 S1 Disc Bulge

Understanding Complexities of an L4 L5 S1 Disc Bulge: Insights from Dr. Daniel Bridge Structure of Spine To fully comprehend the impact of a bulging disc in the lower back, let’s first familiarize ourselves with the structure of the spine. Our back comprises 24 bones called vertebrae, each separated by a disc. These discs facilitate […]

Three Great Sciatica Exercises Sitting In A Chair

Three Great Sciatica Excercises Sitting In A Chair | Dr. Daniel Bridge, Chiropractor in Helena MT Do you suffer from sciatica? This painful discomfort that radiates from the lower back and into the legs can make everyday activities difficult to manage. However, with a bit of knowledge and some exercise, it’s possible to relieve some […]

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