Shockwave Therapy in Shelby, MT 

Shockwave therapy, also called acoustic compression therapy or softwave therapy, sounds pretty high-tech, and it is, but don’t let that steer you away from this incredibly reliable technique. Our Shelby chiropractic clinic is the only clinic in the area that offers this method. Dr. Bridge is shockwave therapy certified and gets tremendous results for his patients. 

We understand that many people think of chiropractic care as a crack of the back, but our team provides several kinds of adjusting and manipulating options that align joints and remove tendon and soft tissue disorders and injuries. Some of our methods are done by hand; others rely on the ultra-targeting benefits of chiropractic instruments. Both get effective, efficient results.

If you’re struggling with muscle, tendon, or ligament injuries, shockwave therapy may be the best plan of attack, leading you safely through the healing process. 

Contact us today to learn more about this life-changing procedure. 

What is Shockwave Therapy? 

Our clinic uses a shockwave tool called Storz Deactor 100. This machine is acoustic compression therapy that uses sound waves to remodel tissue at the cellular level. 

This cutting edge technology is based on the same conceptual technology as lithotripsy, which is used to break up kidney stones; however, our device uses lower, more targeted energy on affected areas of the body. 

When this device is used over the body, we receive immediate, biomechanical feedback from the patient, so we know we have located an injured area. 

What Does Shockwave Therapy Do?

Shockwave therapy is a quick, natural, non-invasive treatment that provides shockwaves to affected soft tissues. These shockwaves reduce discomfort and help the body heal. 

How Is Shockwave Therapy Applied?

When this procedure is used, we apply gel to the patient’s skin. This gel serves to conduct shockwaves as a probe is placed and moved over the skin. The probe can be set to high or low-energy waves.

Does Shockwave Therapy Hurt?

The patient won’t feel any pain or discomfort during the treatment when the probe is over healthy tissue. However, there may be a dull aching feeling when compromised tissue is passed over. If the patient doesn’t feel this sensation, we will also receive a reading that tells us we’re in the correct location, and we can address the soft tissue injury instantly and directly. 

Our team will communicate with you throughout the procedure and ask questions regarding your pain level. If ever a patient gets too uncomfortable, we are able to adjust the energy output to meet their needs. The more you use the treatment, the less discomfort you’ll have. Most of our patients describe the feeling as small pulses against the skin. 

Is Shockwave Therapy Safe?

Not only is shockwave therapy safe, but it’s fast-acting, often providing immediate relief from pain and allowing for a significant increase in mobility, range of motion, and proper function of the muscles, ligaments, and tendons. 

In most cases, the patient is freely moving in just a couple of days, with no pain. Our shockwave therapy plans offer pain treatment without surgery or pain medication and are designed to manage your specific pain points.

This is an outpatient, non-invasive therapy that has proven results for every kind of patient. If you have questions about how shockwave therapy can help you, contact us, and we’ll give you all the facts. 

The Benefits of Shockwave Therapy 

Shockwave therapy has several benefits that contribute to the organic healing process. Our team is well versed in finding the optimal services unique to your goals. We often combine our solutions and resources to ensure your wellness plan is as decisive and thorough as possible.


Some benefits you can expect to have when using shockwave therapy include: 

  • Increased blood and oxygen circulation 
  • Muscle repair
  • Soft tissue regeneration
  • Fast and effective pain relief
  • Increases recovery time 
  • And more

Who & What Shockwave Therapy Helps

Our chiropractic clinic has worked with a variety of patients using shockwave therapy to minimize their pain and get them back to doing the things they love faster. This technique aggressively and immediately staves off your pain, promoting body balance and alignment and allowing the musculoskeletal system to work as it should. 


This method can be used on almost any kind of patient, including:

  • High school athletes
  • Sports and active people
  • Senior patients 
  • Inactive patients
  • Those involved in an accident: work-related accident, car accident, slip and fall, exercise or sports injury
  • Overuse injury patients 
  • And more



Some of the injuries our shockwave therapy technique will help with include:

  • Knee pain or motion loss in the knee, including jumper’s knee
  • Shoulder discomfort
  • Elbow and wrist pain 
  • Tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow
  • Rotator cuff injury 
  • Shoulder pain
  • Ankle pain or motion loss in the ankle
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Tendonitis
  • Neck pain
  • Back pain
  • Chronic pain and injury
  • Bursitis 
  • Impingement syndrome
  • Scar tissue
  • And more 

Our team has seen shockwave therapy work magic on our patients, and we’re ready to extend that to you. Its effects are quick and rewarding so if you’re ready to start getting your quality of life back, let’s do it. Make your appointment today! 

Visit our Shelby Chiropractic Clinic

At our chiropractic clinic, you get a team of professionals who work to get your body healthy through the safest, most non-invasive methods. We value your time and understand that treating pain is more than masking it. Dr. Bridge will find the source of your discomfort and end it there. 

Some of the chiropractic services we offer include: 

  • Chiropractic adjustments
  • Instrument-assisted adjustments
  • Laser therapy
  • FAKTR (Functional and Kinetic Treatment with Rehab)
  • Impulse adjusting
  • And more

Our plans are designed uniquely for you, giving you the skill set to carry on strengthening and empowering your body throughout life. We don’t want to see you in our clinic for years; we want you to thrive. There’s simply no time like the present to start. 

Contact us and let go of your pain today.

Shockwave Therapy for Shelby, MT

Stop struggling with your health and let's address your root problems through a personalized care plan that gets you moving and restores your health!

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